LTI Assignment and Grade Service
Bracken can be configured to send achievement notifications to an LTI platform as defined in the LTI Assignment and Grade Service (AGS).
The LTI AGS notifications require the following configuration. Steps marked with ‡ are handled by the Bracken technical team.
LTI provider
See Configuration for information about how to set up:
- The platform (e.g. Moodle) as an external provider in Bracken.‡
- Bracken as an external tool in the platform.
Compatibility API
See Configuring LTI Gradebook on the Bracken Compatibility API for informatioon about how to set up:
- Domain credentials in the Compatibility API.‡
- Module completion webhook.
Flow diagram
Platform Tool Compat
(Moodle) (Bracken) API
| | |
.----------. | |
| Learner | | |
| launches | | |
| tool | | |
'----------' | |
| | |
|-Login request---> | |
| | |
| .----OIDC login---| |
| | | |
| '---------------> | |
| | |
| .-----------. |
| | Learner | |
| | completes | |
| | lesson | |
| '-----------' |
| | |
| |-Webhook---> |
| | |
| <-----------LTI AGS transform---|
| | |