Lesson access

A lesson can be directly accessed by a URL of the form


where 123 is the modulekey of the desired lesson.

If the user has not previously accessed the lesson, a new attempt is created. Subsequently, the lesson page shows the user’s current attempt for the lesson.

When the learner has finished the lesson, they can Exit the lesson, which signs them out of Bracken.

Finding the module identifier

The module identifier and integration link are shown in the Lesson Settings dialog when authoring the module. This can be found under the Create tab in the Bracken portal.

Integration flow

An integration partner can take users to the lesson page with single sign-on.

External provider

If the partner is configured as an external provider, then the partner system directs the user to a URL of the form

GET https://<client>.bracken.cloud/e/lesson/<modulekey>?idp=<provider>

By specifying the optional idp query parameter, the user will be automatically authenticated with the specified external provider. If the provider is not specified, then the user will be taken to the Bracken login screen.

LTI Login

If the partner is configured for LTI login, then the system should prepare an LTI request of the form

POST https://<client>.bracken.cloud/auth/lti

The target_link_uri in the post should be


LTI Launch

An external provider can prepare an LTI Launch token directly to the lesson endpoint. This consists of an id_token POSTed to the lesson endpoint. The token must be signed by the external provider platform and include the user claims.

See LTI login for information about LTI integrations.

Result webhooks

To receive notifications of users completing lessons, the partner system can use the Bracken API to configure webhooks.