External provider

A Bracken site can be configured to use one or more external identity providers.

User experience

  1. The user accesses the login page by navigating to https://<client>.bracken.cloud.
  2. The configured providers appear as login options. The user would choose to Continue with Provider.
  3. The user is taken to the external provider login page.
    • If the user is already signed in, this step is automatic.
  4. The user is taken back to the Bracken Portal.

A Bracken user account is created when the user first logs in via the external provider (“autoprovisioned”).

Identity provider

The external identity provider provides authorization and authentication service that conforms to either the OpenID Connect or OAuth2 standards. The service must supply at least first name, last name, and email for the user.

Required information

The partner will need to provide the following information to Bracken to configure the integration:

GoogleOpenID ConnectOAuth2
Client IDClient IDClient ID
Client secretClient secretClient secret
 AuthorityAuthorization endpoint
  Token endpoint
  User information endpoint
  JWKS key sets endpoint

Configuration settings

The partner auth service should be configured with these settings:

Grant typeAuthorization Code Flow with PKCE
Allowed scopesOpenID, Profile, Email
Redirect URI (production)https://identity.brackenlearning.com/signin-<scheme>

Redirect URI

The integration in Bracken will be assigned a scheme that will need to be registered as redirect URI in the partner auth service.

As an example, tenant demo may have an oidc scheme, whose redirect URI would be


For development purposes, we may ask the partner auth service to temporarily add a https://localhost redirect URI. We do not recommend adding this URI to a production.


The partner auth service should provide the following claims:

subUnique identifier in the partner service
given_nameThe user’s last or family name
family_nameThe user’s first name
emailThe user’s email, which may receive system notifications
multicodeOptional claim to join the user to groups in Bracken


The Bracken administrator interface can be used to generate multicodes. Supplying a (non-standard) multicode claim in the access token allows the partner system to automatically join users to the corresponding Bracken groups.